SILLBEER blog finally updated

Tuesday, 2 November 2010 | Comments (4) | Categories: General

Well it's about time. I put aside some 'me' time to get my blog sorted. You see back in March, Blogger decided to turn off the feature I was using to publish my blog to my domain -, which sort of put a halt on any updating. So for the last day I've been exporting, converting, designing, templating, styling and generally cleaning it up to a point that I could relaunch.

It's sort of a sorry state that as a website designer and developer, my own personal blog was in such a crappy out-of-date state. I'm happy to say now that the site is in a much better way, converting it over to my website development tool of choice - ExpressionEngine.

Left to do is some tidying up and additions to the side bar including some of my own favourite blogs and websites, plus all the address redirects from the old web pages to the new pages so that Google can find all the new stuff rather than the old pages which it currently has indexed, and that all those links coming in from forums in various guises also get redirected to the new site pages. It's not a job I'm looking forward too, with over 200 posts and other various archive links.

Got some stuff to post about the current state of the car, yes it's still my street driven daily (although I do work from home now), and also about having participated in the recent Powercruise #26 at Barbagallo Raceway.

Now it's time to keep on going before I lose steam on this.


Your Comments

Posted by John Shepherd | 19 November 2010 at 06:57 PM

Hey man, glad to see you finally updated your blog!! I am anxious for any new pictures, more updates please!!!

Posted by Sid | 28 September 2011 at 11:33 AM

Hey Brendan. Hope all is well with the car. Just wanna let you know that your car has been good inspiration for another S13 owner in the eastern US. Both of my coupe’s started as shells and im currently trying to get the current car finished. I’ve been keepin up since the news of the GTR turbo needing to be rebuilt. thanks a whole lot and very very fresh car. Cheers!


Posted by Brendan | 28 September 2011 at 05:54 PM

Hi Sid, thanks for the kind words. Always good to hear that someone has benefitted from the work I’ve already carried out and helped them in their own achievements. Good to see your car getting used too. I love the use of period correct Nismo rims.


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