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Thursday, 7 April 2011 | Comments (4) | Categories:

Apologies for having the site turned off, but I had a flurry of spam comments being posted to the site constantly for a few days so shut it down while they moved on.

In other news, took the car to another MC Motorsport fun day, but unfortunately this one didn't turn out so well for my gearbox. About 2/3 the way through our session, accelerating hard in 2nd gear at about 6000rpm something went boom, clanker clanker in the gearbox and the event was over for me. It has broken, I can only assume, is the input shaft at this stage as I have drive in all gears (sort of), but it's intermittent and very noisy.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for space in the workshop to open up. Keep you posted on the outcome and will be sure to post photos of broken bits of metal.


PS> I also recently posted up a back dated post on last years World Time Attack Challenge (2010), check it out, of course I'm yet to post up Day 2.

Your Comments

Posted by Josh | 8 April 2011 at 10:28 AM

Damn man, that sucks to hear about the box :(

Good to see the blog is back up. I was getting paranoid I have heaps of things I need to read with my build coming along now :D

Thanks for the info too, it’s helping me a bunch. A very big inspiration.

Posted by Brendan | 8 April 2011 at 05:48 PM

No worries Josh. I still have your additional wiring loom photos on my to-do list.

Posted by Josh | 9 April 2011 at 02:14 PM

All good mate, I’m pretty flat out with dynamatting at the moment, what a time consuming task!

I did have a few more questions if that’s cool!

How did you secure your sub box so that it didn’t move?
What did you use as a floor? (False floor, the OEM wood spare tyre cover with the space saver)


Posted by Brendan | 9 April 2011 at 05:47 PM

The sub woofer is snug fitted (ie. jammed) in place. It’s a prick to get out, and has never moved as yet. There’s a base board that has a sub box sized cutout that runs the full length and has the amps mounted on it. You can see it in this pic how it fits snugly.

It was originally done like this so I could easily remove it all should the need arise. But I’ve never needed to.

As for the floor, it’s something I’ve been wanted to sort out for ages. I currently don’t have a spare wheel because finding a rim that could fit over the brakes (easy to find) with a tyre small enough to fit into the wheel well was impossible at the time. So my choice is to build a small utility box with a lid and have that replace the OEM (and rather warped now) wood spare tyre cover). Ultimate, so I wasn’t relying on my ‘tyre-in-a-can’, I would track down an R33 GT-R spare wheel rim and see if I could find a space saver tyre who’s outside diameter would allow it to fit into the well. Finally I would potentially have a wheel well sized whole cut into my custom carpet and redo the edges so it was easy to lift.

See, there still so many things I can do if only I had the time…or the inclination.

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